Hey guys, howsitgoin? As some of you may know, I bought a cintiq 12wx several weeks ago. I'm really in love with it and I just thought about posting some of the things I did with it, which are non-sexual.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGjTNYt7a-s&featu re=youtu.be
I may be able to load the whole shebang here on newgrounds once it's done. ..but I'm still knee deep in several projects but I thought about letting you know what I'm up to these past months since I wuv you.
I also post regular updates here: twitter.com/boybogart
Those look sweet! btw, did you use After Effect to add certain effects to those Flash samples or you did it all in After Effects?
Made it in Flash then imported to AFX for effects and shit. :)