2011 was very kind to me. I had a lot of projects, saved some dough and now I was thinking about buying a cintiq to speed up my animation workflow.
However, my research about cintiqs confused me more than it enlightened me. I was planning to get a 12wx but so many people hated that thing. There were problems regarding the color calibration, heat and surface scratches. So the next logical choice to me is the cintiq 21ux but I think I could get a second hand car with that kind of price.
Don't get me wrong, I'm willing to pay the price if it will speed up my process, so it would be helpful if people who had an experience with cintiqs help me out on my decision. As I said above, I did my research about it, read some reviews but it would be awesome if I could get the Flash animator's point of view on this, most reviews I read are from graphic artists. Photoshop and sketchbook pro drawing tools > Flash drawing tools.
On a completely different topic, I haven't submitted anything substantial last year on NG so I'm planning to make it up this year by exploding in a bukkake of animation. And I promised to myself that I wouldn't be making anything new until I finished the animations that took a backseat last year, so watch out for that.
Here's a test scene that I did months ago for a short called turbo chicken:
http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/6c f62d1b9d4338042d926bd23acf40c2
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